In the equestrian world, there’s always a buzz building for the hotly anticipated season of Cross Country and Hunter Trials. This year, Equifloor were in amongst the action with sponsored riders at events around the country.
When it comes to horse riding in Scotland, Gleneagles Equestrian venue stands head and shoulders above the rest, with 50 acres of incredible trails and stunning challenging cross country jumps to suit all abilities.
The event this year kicked off in style and with added sunshine and a bumper crowd, expectations were high for Equifloor supported rider Hazel Kennedy on her horse Harley who were competing in the Class 5 Adult Novice.
Event horses require a lot of care and attention for what can be long periods between events. Watering, cooling off and respite are key to keeping horses in top condition. Between sessions, Harley was much more comfortable and cooler staying in the lorry with plenty of water and the added benefits of portable Equifloor stable mats.
Portable stable mats from Equifloor UK are made from high-density EVA foam, making them easy to handle, transport and setup at events. Their interlocking edges and waterproof closed-cell structure means they can withstand the toughest environments. These portable interlocking stable mats are a must for performance horses travelling long distances, providing comfort and joint support after difficult jumps.
”We had a long journey home, however Harley came off the lorry refreshed due to the comfort and therapeutic effect of the trailer mats that offer balance and stability for these long trips.”

Despite the hot temperatures, Harley kept his cool, clearing the jumps in style. All in all, it was a successful experience of a very exciting and fun event in the beautiful countryside of Perthshire. Hazel and Harley will definitely be back again!
Find out more about out stable mats from Equifloor UK. Check out the range of stable mats from Equifloor UK at or call 01206 390570 to speak to a sales advisor who will make sure you get the right flooring for your needs.